Community Transition Program

Pathways to Independence

The Community Transition Program is designed to assist people currently living in nursing homes to re-establish their lives independently in the community.

Persons with disabilities living in nursing homes often face barriers to leaving such as:

  • Isolation from the community
  • Lack of resources to pay rent and the security deposit
  • Inability to purchase other necessary items to create a home
  • Lack of family support
  • Lack of information regarding available options; etc.


IVCIL’s Community Transition Program helps people with disabilities to overcome these barriers and assist them in moving back into their community of choice.

Old woman smiling at something being shown to her on a cell phone

What can IVCIL do for you?

  • Work with nursing home staff to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Identify and secure community services and resources.

  • Locate and assist with applying for appropriate public or private housing in the community.

  • Provide a Personal Assistant if needed.

Provide financial assistance with:

  • Down payment of rent and or rent deposit

  • Furniture, small appliances, curtains, dishes, linens, clothing, initial cleaning supplies

  • An initial stock of food staples, and other necessities that are approved

  • The purchase of equipment or assistive devices, although funding may come from other sources

After the move, IVCIL staff provide follow-up visits on a set schedule to ensure continued success.

Consumer Responsibilities

Be willing to cooperate with the recommendations of IVCIL.

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