The Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living advocates with compassion for the dignity and rights of people with disabilities and their families in our service area. We understand it is our consumer’s right to choose what is best for themselves and their families. Our goal is equal access for all: to services, to employment, and to the benefits our society offers. We encourage our consumers to live their lives to their fullest potential.
A Message from our Executive Director
Welcome to the IVCIL website. We hope that we can provide you with the information and supports that you need to remain independent or become more independent.
IVCIL was founded by local members of the disability community and over 50% of the staff have significant disabilities themselves. They know what the challenges are and are ready to help. So please, e-mail us, call or stop by to discuss your goals and hopes. Our friendly staff will always be happy to listen.
Proud Member of the Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce